Writing Your Own GAN Class from Scratch

Advanced users may opt to implement a new GAN architecture from scratch. You can do this by inheriting from the abstract base class BaseGAN and implementing the required methods. All the existing GAN architectures in ganslate are defined in this manner. The file containing your FancyNewGAN must be structured as follows

from dataclasses import dataclass
from ganslate import configs
from ganslate.nn.gans.base import BaseGAN

class OptimizerConfig(configs.base.BaseOptimizerConfig):
    # Define your optimizer parameters specific to your GAN 
    # such as the scaling factors for a custom loss 
    lambda_1: float = 0.1
    lambda_2: float = 0.5

class FancyNewGANConfig(configs.base.BaseGANConfig):
    # Configuration dataclass for your GAN
    name: str = "FancyNewGAN"
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig = OptimizerConfig

class FancyNewGAN(BaseGAN):
    def __init__(self, conf):
        # Constructor for your GAN class

    def init_criterions(self):
        # To initialize criterions (losses)

    def init_optimizers(self):
        # To initialize optimizers

    def set_input(self):
        # To supply input images to the GAN

    def forward(self):
        # To perform forward pass through the generator(s) and compute the fake images

    def optimize_parameters(self):
        # To compute losses and perform back-propagation

To provide a concrete example of how each of these methods should be defined, let us consider the case of a simple GAN architecture like Pix2PixConditionalGAN (source) and look at the definition of its methods.

  1. The constructor method: Initializes the GAN system with the given configuration.
def __init__(self, conf):
    # The constructor method `__init__` must first invoke the constructor 
    # of the parent class `BaseGAN` to initialize the default attributes. 

    # Then, you must define four dictionaries: 
    #       `self.visuals`, `self.losses`, `self.networks`, and `self.optimizers`.
    # `self.visuals` would be used to store image tensors. Set the values to `None` for now.
    self.visual_names = ['real_A', 'real_B', 'fake_B']
    self.visuals = {name: None for name in visual_names}

    # `self.losses` stores the values of various losses used by the model. 
    # Set the values to `None` for now.
    loss_names = ['G', 'D', 'pix2pix']
    self.losses = {name: None for name in loss_names}

    # `self.networks` would contain the generator and discriminator nets used by the GAN. 
    # Set the values to `None` for now.
    network_names = ['G', 'D'] if self.is_train else ['G']
    self.networks = {name: None for name in network_names}

    # With `self.optimizers`, you can define each optimizer for one network or for multiple networks 
    # (for instance, when multiple generators and  discriminators are present like in CycleGAN). 
    # Here, for Pix2Pix, we define one optimizer for the generator and one for the discriminator. 
    # Set the values to `None` for now.
    optimizer_names = ['G', 'D']
    self.optimizers = {name: None for name in optimizer_names}

    # Invoke the `setup` method of the `BaseGAN` parent class to intialize the loss criterions, 
    # networks, optimizer, and to set up mixed precision, checkpoint loading, network parallelization, etc. 
  1. Initialization methods: Responsible for initializing the various components of the GAN system. You must implemenent the two initialization methods init_criterions and init_optimizers. Other such methods exist including init_networks, init_schedulers, and init_metrics which are all internally invoked by the setup method to populate their corresponding attributes with initial values. However, these latter three are predefined in the parent BaseGAN class and need not be altered in most cases.
def init_criterions(self):
    # Standard GAN (adversarial) loss
    self.criterion_adv = AdversarialLoss(self.conf.train.gan.optimizer.adversarial_loss_type).to(self.device)
    # Pixelwise L1 loss
    self.criterion_pix2pix = Pix2PixLoss(self.conf).to(self.device)

def init_optimizers(self):
    # Access the optimizer parameters in the `config` object
    lr_G = self.conf.train.gan.optimizer.lr_G
    lr_D = self.conf.train.gan.optimizer.lr_D
    beta1 = self.conf.train.gan.optimizer.beta1
    beta2 = self.conf.train.gan.optimizer.beta2

    # Initialize the optimzers as `torch.optim.Adam` objects with the given parameters
    self.optimizers['G'] = torch.optim.Adam(
        self.networks['G'].parameters(), lr=lr_G, betas=(beta1, beta2))
    self.optimizers['D'] = torch.optim.Adam(
        self.networks['D'].parameters(), lr=lr_D, betas=(beta1, beta2))
  1. The set_input method: Accepts the data dictionary supplied by the dataloader, unpacks it, and stores the image tensors for further usage. Called in every training iteration as well as during inference.
def set_input(self, input_dict):
    # The argument `input_dict` is a dictionary obtained from the dataloader, 
    # which contains pair of data samples from domain A and domain B.

    # Unpack input data
    self.visuals['real_A'] = input_dict['A'].to(self.device)
    self.visuals['real_B'] = input_dict['B'].to(self.device)
  1. The forward method: Implements forward pass through the generator(s). This method is called by both methods optimize_parameters and test. Called in every training iteration as well as during inference.
def forward(self):
    # Run forward pass.
    real_A = self.visuals['real_A']      # A
    fake_B = self.networks['G'](real_A)  # G(A)

    # Store the computed fake domain B image
    self.visuals.update({'fake_B': fake_B})
  1. The optimize_parameters method: Implements forward pass through the discriminator(s), loss computation, back-propagation, and the parameter update sequence. Called in every training iteration.
def optimize_parameters(self):
    # Compute fake images

    # Compute generator based metrics dependent on visuals

    # ------------------------ G ------------------------
    # D requires no gradients when optimizing G
        self.networks['D'], False)
    # Calculate gradients for G. Loss computation and back-prop are 
    # abstracted away into a separate method `backward_G`
    # Update G's weights

    # ------------------------ D ------------------------
    self.set_requires_grad(self.networks['D'], True)
    # Calculate gradients for D. Loss computation and back-prop are 
    # abstracted away into a separate method `backward_D`

    # Update metrics for D
        self.training_metrics.compute_metrics_D('D', self.pred_real, self.pred_fake))

    self.optimizers['D'].step()     # update D's weights

The backward_G method here calculates the loss for generator G using all specified losses as well as their gradients, and can be defined as

def backward_G(self):
    real_A = self.visuals['real_A']  # A
    real_B = self.visuals['real_B']  # B
    fake_B = self.visuals['fake_B']  # G(A)

    # ------------------------- GAN Loss --------------------------
    # Compute D(A, G(A)) and calculate the adversarial loss
    pred = self.networks['D'](torch.cat([real_A, fake_B], dim=1))    
    self.losses['G'] = self.criterion_adv(pred, target_is_real=True)

    # ------------------------ Pix2Pix Loss -----------------------
    # Calculate the pixel-wise loss
    self.losses['pix2pix'] = self.criterion_pix2pix(fake_B, real_B)

    # Combine losses and calculate gradients with back-propagation
    combined_loss_G = self.losses['G'] + self.losses['pix2pix']
    self.backward(loss=combined_loss_G, optimizer=self.optimizers['G'])

Whereas, the backward_D method calculates the adversarial loss for the discriminator D as well as their gradients, and is defined as

def backward_D(self):
    real_A = self.visuals['real_A']  # A
    real_B = self.visuals['real_B']  # B
    fake_B = self.visuals['fake_B']  # G(A)

    # Discriminator prediction with real data [i.e. D(A, B)]
    self.pred_real = self.networks['D'](
        torch.cat([real_A, real_B], dim=1))

    # Discriminator prediction with fake data [i.e. # D(A, G(A))]
    self.pred_fake = self.networks['D'](
        torch.cat([real_A, fake_B.detach()], dim=1))                  

    # Calculate the adversarial loss for `D`
    loss_real = self.criterion_adv(self.pred_real, target_is_real=True)
    loss_fake = self.criterion_adv(self.pred_fake, target_is_real=False)
    self.losses['D'] = loss_real + loss_fake

    # Compute gradients
    self.backward(loss=self.losses['D'], optimizer=self.optimizers['D'])

The aforementioned methods are to be mandatorily implemented if you wish to contruct your own GAN architecture in ganslate from scratch. Additionally, We also recommend referring to the abstract BaseGAN class (source) to get an overview of other existing methods and of the internal logic. Finally, update your YAML configuration file to include the apporapriate settings for your custom-defined components

project_dir: projects/your_project


        name: "YourFancyGAN"  # Name of your GAN class   

    optimizer:                # Optimizer config that includes your custom hyperparameter
            lambda_1: 0.1
            lambda_2: 0.5