
You can install ganslate either through a docker setup or directly on your system.


Supported operating systems: Linux, Windows with WSL

Dockerized setup is the easiest way to get started with the framework. If you do not have docker installed, you can follow instructions here

You can run the docker image, which will give you access to a container with all dependencies installed, using,

docker run --gpus all -it surajpaib/ganslate:latest

This will drop down to a shell and you can now check out the Getting Started page


To get your data into the docker container, you can use volume mounts. The docker container mounts volumes from the host system to allow easier persistence of data. This can be done as docker run --gpus all --volume=<data_dir>:/data -it ganslate:latest. <data_dir> must be replaced with the full path of a directory where your data is located, this will then be mounted on the /data path within the docker



It is recommended to use to setup a conda environment to install pytorch dependencies. You can do this by installing conda first, then followed by conda create env -n ganslate_env python pytorch -c pytorch.

You can install the ganslate package along with its dependencies using

pip install ganslate

The ganslate package is now installed. You can now check out the Getting Started page